“Copyright is a protection…”
Copyright is a protection directed to all works of the mind, whatever their genre, form of expression, merit or purpose.
“A protection acquired without filing …”
The protection is acquired without filing. By the sole fact of its creation, and without any filing, the author acquires a monopoly on his work, an exclusive intangible property right that can be opposed to third parties. Protection is granted from the moment the author can prove a certain and undisputable date of creation of his work.
“The right has intellectual and moral attributes …”
The right has intellectual and moral attributes as well as patrimonial attributes.
Moral rights
“The moral right allows the author to claim the authorship of the work …”
Following the Bern convention, the moral right allows the author to claim the authorship of the work and to act against any distortion, mutilation or other modification of the work or to any prejudicial attack on his honor or its reputation. The moral right cannot be assigned.
Patrimonial right
“The patrimonial right recognized by the Bern convention …”
The patrimonial right recognized by the convention gives to the beneficiaries a monopoly of exploitation whose minimum duration includes the life of the author and 70 years after his/her death. The exploitation rights of the patrimonial rights owned by the author include: representation rights, reproduction rights.
Representation consists in the communication of the work to the public (recitation, transmission, broadcasting…). Reproduction consists in the material fixation of the work by any mean that allows to communicate the work to the public in an indirect manner (printing, drawing, engraving, recording…).
Assigning the representation or the reproduction rights can be done free of charge or providing the payment of a fee. Assigning the representation right does not entail the assignment of the reproduction right and vice versa. It is therefore compulsory to mention,
either by contract or in the invoice, whether the representation and reproduction rights are transferred.
The copyright is acquired without deposit
Protection that extends to all works of the mind
Asserting your rights as an author
Litigation management
Our professional approach does not focus on litigation, which we do not see as an end in itself.
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